Way Out
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Friday 7 June 201308:47

Hi! fuh fuh, lamanya tak update blog. its June 2013 guys! June please be awesome. So hows ur day? my days was so so.... not so good and not so worst. oh forget bout my PMR. damn! need to do revision start from now! next month puasa then raya then PMR, oh god! so nervous now and my midterm result was so disappointing me. regret huwaaa :( takboleh main dah lepas ni. takpe putri, lepas PMR kau freedom setahun then SPM then freedom forever. ahhh, cant wait!bout boyfriend? ha ha ha. doesnt have any boyfriend cause my life getting better without boys and stupid love love ni. for me boys just mess my life. yes, sometime i feel bored cause no ones said i love you sayang to me and get jealous with other couples. but who cares, wtv lah. i love and stable with my life now. and guess wht weh! ada sorang ni entah pape doh! always cari pasal, idk wht his problem and idk whtt ive done to him. such an idts boy! dah dah stop. oh ya! i need a new phone. my bb suck, stupid,silly,idts. daddy please buy a new phone for me. i want samsung s3 or samsung grand pun jadi lah. hurm... ive something to do. byebye tata, muwahh :*